RV Rally Information – Large Events!!

Thank you to the Family Motor Coach Association – Glamorama for bringing your RV Rallies to the Allegan County Fairgrounds in 2018, 2019, and 2021. They were wonderful events that we thoroughly enjoyed hosting.
Over 350 coaches attended the 2018 Rally. The fairgrounds has capacity for 525 campsites. 402 are 50 amp sites, 106 are 30 amp sites, and 17 are GFCI sites.
The fairgrounds has an abundance of event space buildings, including the new Expo Center. The Expo Center is a 340’ x 120’ building with bathrooms, fans, electric along the walls and drop electrical cords from the ceilings. There is also a 32’W x 24’L x2’H new portable stage for use.
Contact us at 888-673-6501 for more information on bringing an RV Rally or other Trade Show to the Fairgrounds.
Click here for a flyer with details regarding hosting your RV Rally or other Trade Show at the Allegan County Fairgrounds.
Click here for more information on rentals and a map of the fairgrounds.