Box Office: 150 Allegan County Fair Dr. Allegan, MI 49010
Phone: 888-673-6501
Ticket Type
Adults are $10.00/ Available at the gate
Youth (1st – 12th grade) / $5.00/ Available at the gate
Kindergarten & under / FREE / Available at the gate
Parking / $5.00 / Available at the gate
9 day pass /includes parking / $50.00 / $40.00 senior
Fair Week Specials
Rates (25.00) apply to parking any vehicle larger than a standard size van (bus, motorhome, 5th Wheel, etc.)
Sunday / September 7 / Taste of Allegan County Fair 1pm – 3pm.
Monday / September 8 / Children’s Day / Car Load Day – Admission per car load is $20.00 / All Rides are $3.00 each
Tuesday / September 9 / Senior Day / Seniors admission $5.00 until 12:00 noon. Program 8:00 am Hilltop Tent
Wednesday / September 10 / Ladies Day / Ladies admission $5.00 until 12:00 noon. Program 8:00 am Hilltop Tent
Thursday / September 11 / Veteran’s Day / FREE admission (including parking) for all persons with military confirmation
Ride Wristbands do not include fair admission, parking, or admission to Grandstand shows.
Presale Daily Wristbands / $30.00 / Unlimited Rides for 1 Day of the Fair / Must be purchased by noon, opening day of fair
Presale Carnival Ride Wristbands
Regular Pricing for Carnival Rides Wristbands:
Daily Wristbands / $30.00 / Unlimited Rides for 1 Day of the Fair / On Sale September 8-11
Weekend Wristbands / $35.00 / Unlimited Rides for 1 Day on Weekend of the Fair / On sale September 5 – 6 – 7 – 12 or 13.
Mega Bands / $110.00 / Ride all 9 Days / September 5 – 13th
Covid-19 Disclaimer: Upon entering the Fairgrounds, you are acknowledging that an inherent risk of exposure to COVID-19 (coronavirus) or any variant exists in any public place where people are present. By attending the Fair, you and any guest voluntarily assume all risks related to exposure to COVID-19 or any variant, and agree not to hold the Allegan County Fair, it’s employees, Board of Directors, Concessionaires, Volunteers, or Vendors liable for any illness or injury in connection with you or your guests attendance at the Event.
Rates apply to parking any vehicle larger than a standard size van (bus, motorhome, 5th wheel, etc.).
Full Fair Camping – All 9 nights of the Fair / $250 + Admission (9 day pass is $50.00; $40.00 for seniors 60 and over) / Available at Fair office
Nightly Camping – 1 – 8 nights during the Fair / $35/night + Admission (see rates) / Available at Fair office
Covid-19 Disclaimer: Upon entering the Fairgrounds, you are acknowledging that an inherent risk of exposure to COVID-19 (coronavirus) or any variant exists in any public place where people are present. By attending the Fair, you and any guest voluntarily assume all risks related to exposure to COVID-19 or any variant, and agree not to hold the Allegan County Fair, it’s employees, Board of Directors, Concessionaires, Volunteers, or Vendors liable for any illness or injury in connection with you or your guests attendance at the Event.
NO REFUNDS OR EXCHANGES. We are not responsible for mail orders that are lost, misdirected, late, illegible, or with insufficient postage.
SPECIAL SEATING: Our goal is to provide necessary services and amenities for persons with disabilities. We want your Allegan County Fair concert experience to be comfortable and enjoyable. If you require special accommodations, please specify in writing or notify your phone representative.
WHEELCHAIR ACCESSIBLE SEATING must be requested from the Box Office. The patron will be sold a grandstand seat and may choose to have one companion seated with him/her. The companion will be provided a folding chair and must have a valid grandstand concert ticket. Wheelchair seating is located on the paved apron in the front of the grandstand. If a track seat is requested, both the patron and companion must have valid track seating concert ticket. If a wheelchair patron desires to sit with more than one companion, the Box Office will make every possible effort to seat the group together. In case of inclement weather, that may cause the track to be muddy, the wheelchair patron may sit on the paved apron in front of the grandstand but no monetary adjustment will be made regarding the price of the ticket. If a wheelchair patron can be moved from the wheelchair to a seat, the tickets can be purchased in any available section the patron desires. Fair staff will assist with the storage of the wheelchair (the grandstand is elevated with steps).
Disability without a wheelchair request will need to be directed to the Box Office Manager.
The Grandstand, Track, and entire fenced concert area is designated Non Smoking.
NO AUDIO OR VIDEO DEVICES PERMITTED including digital cameras with video capabilities. Cameras are also prohibited for some concerts. Announcements will be made prior to the show concerning camera use.
No pets allowed on grounds. Seeing eye dogs and/or service animals needed by the disabled will be permitted.
Covid-19 Disclaimer: Upon entering the Fairgrounds, you are acknowledging that an inherent risk of exposure to COVID-19 (coronavirus) or any variant exists in any public place where people are present. By attending the Fair, you and any guest voluntarily assume all risks related to exposure to COVID-19 or any variant, and agree not to hold the Allegan County Fair, it’s employees, Board of Directors, Concessionaires, Volunteers, or Vendors liable for any illness or injury in connection with you or your guests attendance at the Event.